Devotional #21: The God of the Impossible


Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)


“Jesus did not calm the storms all the time, He did not walk on the water all the time, but he did heal all the time.”



Working in the pro-life movement in Washington, D.C. was often very stressful and sometimes left one feeling powerless.  So many concerns, from the larger questions:  How much longer must we live in a country that allows abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason?  Is there any hope of defending the unborn after 40 years of legalized abortion?  To the smaller ones: Will we be able to renew our lease?  Will we have the funding we need to accomplish our goals? 

One day, my boss, Charmaine Yoest, the then President and CEO of Americans United for Life read a twitter post from a woman who was born alive during a botched abortion. Everyday at 11:11, she prays for the impossible. From that day forward, Charmaine and I started praying for the impossible every day at 11:11. We would both routinely see the number 11:11 in other areas, always reminding us that God can do impossible things.


Feeling powerless in circumstances was not an uncommon feeling for me when I was diagnosed with terminal cancer in December 2015. But, I clung to the Truth that I knew: What is impossible with man (me, doctors, researchers) is possible with God.” I also knew, aside from creating a path to salvation, Christ’s primary activity while on Earth was physical healing.  Indeed, “Jesus did not calm the storms all the time, He did not walk on the water all the time, but he did heal all the time.” Cancer and other illnesses are nothing for the God who created the universe and everything in it, who raised Lazarus from the dead, and who has already conquered the grave for all of us. 


I believe God has the ability to speak to us in ways we understand.  I’m not a believer in numerology from the New Age viewpoint, but I know certain numbers have biblical significance.  It amazed me how frequently, after my diagnosis, I would see 11:11 or 1:11. Every time, I was reminded: I am the daughter of a loving Father who can do anything, even the “impossible” things. 


As you battle your illness or struggle, look for the ways God is speaking to you about His ability to heal, and have faith that He will. He certainly is able to do so, and He wants to do so! After all, He healed on Earth, and Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8).


Remember that no one, other than God can put an expiration date on your life. Doctor’s jobs are to give you the worst-case scenario. But, our God still preforms miracles, big and small. In the future pages, you will see examples of these during my journey.


Cherish the reminders Jesus gives you about His power and plan for your health and future.  List them and read them daily, and never forget: Though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is with you (Psalm 23). He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).



For Additional Study & Discussion


1.     Have you ever prayer for the “impossible”? If so, please describe the circumstance and outcome.







2.     How does God give you reminders of his faithfulness?








3.     Describe a time when you knew God was with you and did not forsake you.



