Guest Devotional #2: Never Alone


Autumn Switzer


 I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.”-Philippians 4:13 NIV


Sometimes the battle chooses us, leaving the situation out of our own hands. Letting go, and letting God can be very difficult, but as believers we can take peace in knowing that the maker of the Heavens and Earth already knows our story in full. Surrendering your all can be challenging,  but Philippians 4:13 reminds us that through Christ we can do all things.

Some things are much easier than others to surrender, and Satan uses our weaknesses to try to make us fall when we are standing at our tallest. Christ’s love is an amazing example, and reminder that no matter what we may face he will not only be standing with us, but standing for us!

My name is Autumn Switzer, I am 18 years old and I am going to be a freshmen at Texas A&M university this fall. In June of 2019, I received news that has forever changed my life. I never knew what an impact 3 words could have on me until I was told--“you have cancer.” It didn’t make sense, I was a healthy 17 year old girl, living what I thought was a normal life. So many thoughts and emotions rushed to my brain when my dad looked me in the eyes and said “what they found is cancerous.” Why me? I was living a life for Christ, showing his love to those around me, and I was not confirmed to this world like the majority of teenagers living in our society.

As I was asking God why I heard him tell me to just be still. I remember very vividly of my greatest supporters and mentors Amy Howard, telling me that I don’t have to understand Gods plan to trust it. In that moment I knew that I was exactly  where the Lord wanted me to be. Although I knew my cancer journey wasn’t going to be easy, I knew that I would never be standing alone. I was reminded how many people loved me, and how many people were willing to go the extra mile for me.

When my physical strength is gone, through Christ I am fully strengthened. All of my friends and family have been an amazing example of Christ’s loved poured out of the cross for us. In this life we are guaranteed to face trials, however we are promised to never be alone. So if you find yourself discouraged or feeling alone, take great comfort in knowing that the God of the universe will fight for you too!!
